
(iii) social


Select most relevant to SDGs, max. 3 goals (erase the not relevant ones)

GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions

Summary (description and reason to be)

Hope Sports is the Sport for Development & Social Empowerment initiative of Organization Earth, which initially begun in refugee camps amid the humanitarian crisis of 2015 and the record influx in Europe of people fleeing war and destruction. Since then, the ad hoc initiative developed to a fully-fledged and awarded Sport for Sustainable Development program and Organization Earth has collaborated with a number of key stakeholders at national and international level. Hope Sports uses the power of sports to address a number of societal issues such as refugees’ integration, inclusion of PwID, climate issues awareness and promotion of a positive and healthy lifestyle for the general population. During 2020, despite of the COVID-19 new normality and the interruption that it occurred in most areas of social life, Organization Earth managed to design and implement a number of initiatives, project and activities.

Target: Vulnerable Group (VG) and/or type of community

Refugees, most of them from Syrian Arab Republic, Iraq, Afghanistan


Hope Sports uses the power of sports to address a number of societal issues such as refugees’ integration, the inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities, and the promotion of a positive and healthy lifestyle for the participants. We also organize educational and recreational activities for our participants that provide opportunities for interaction with local and refugee populations enhancing their integration across local communities.


  • Sport-based activities
  • Educational and personal skill development workshops
  • Community-based activities


Since 2016, it has participated in more than 120 matches and 10 football tournaments.
More than 180 refugees from 22 different countries have taken part in official matches and training sessions.
It was awarded in 2018 by the Panhellenic Association of Amateur Footballers of Greece (ASAP).
In 2018 it was also awarded by Peace and Sport, the international for Peace & Sport.


  • Provide access to organized sport-based activities
  • Provide access to educational and personal skill development workshops.
  • Increase integration with the host population


Difficulties with language refugees speak. No stable group of children at camps.

Difficulties or constrains for its implementation

  • Difficulties with language refugees speak.
  • Refugees often move to other countries.
  • No stable group of children at camps.

Year and length (duration)

Since 2016