
The following section includes a set of case studies and learning activities for a broader audience of community leaders, educators, trainers, facilitators, social workers, project managers, teachers, intercultural mediators in Europe and Africa, to be put into practice in their daily work with and for vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. All these resources are drawn from the experiences of the partner organisations in CYSD and youth leaders involved in the project so far.

Case studies

The first section “Community Practices” is meant to collect Case Studies regarding any local CBO or government-led initiative that aims to contribute to the achievement of the Global Development Goals by directly addressing youth workers engaged with vulnerable young people and children in the targeted local communities.

Learning activities

The second section “Learning Activities” gathers simple and practical educational activity-cards, includingguidelines and samples that users can put into practice in their daily work and adapt to a variety of educational and community contexts in the world.