Collective cooking and sharing

Type of Activity

Culture Awareness and Environment Education


  • Everyone has access to food
  • To promote sustainable nutritional model.
  • To learn traditional healthy and sustainable recipes with local and seasonally available products.
  • Exchange experiences between participants based on the culture heritage.
  • Promote solidarity and helping the others


Preparation and cooking fresh & nutritious food which will be offered to people who are affected by food insecurity.


  • Choose the recipe;
  • Check the complexity of cooking the recipe and adjust;
  • Prepare the food with the organizing venue;
  • Do the cooking;
  • Share the food to people who are affected by food insecurity
  • Final assessment


2 hours but, the duration can change according to the participants, the weather and site availability, the complexity of the recipe and cooking techniques.


  • Cooking material
  • Tables and chairs
  • Fully functional kitchen equipment.
  • Access to water.
  • Cooking books.

Tips and Tricks

  • Educators have to engage with the participants verifying always if they are comfortable.
  • Health and safety rules.
  • Food allergies.
  • You have to choose a recipe that is common/interesting for most of the people considering the food allergies.
  • Knowledge about local and seasonal products.
  • A chef of someone that can supervise the cooking.
  • Look for something to do while the foods wait to be ready.
  • At the end you will have the cooking

Debriefing Reflection

The involvement and engagement of participants can be verified from the following aspects:

  • He/she actively participated in the cooking;
  • He/she intervenes and share his/her memories
  • He/she share the food prepared.

The successful of the activity can be verified by the time spent in making the cooking/sharing (more people intervening and longer it will take to finish).

Suggested reading / Resources