Installation of a communal children’s council



Summary (description and reason to be)

• Better listen to children through clearly established bodies that take into account the different categories of children wherever they are;
• Create and strengthen community mechanisms for child PARTICIPATION;
• Promote the PARTICIPATION of children as a fundamental principle of child protection.
• Giving more responsibility to children;
• Better involve children in the affairs of the city;
• Involve children in the identification and resolution of problems affecting them;
• Make Ziguinchor a “True Child-Friendly City”.

Target: Vulnerable Group (VG) and/or type of community

Children and population of Casamance

Application setting: context

The natural region of Casamance is one of the poorest areas of Senegal and in Ziguinchor, many children are vulnerable and find it very difficult to receive adequate care. This is due in particular to the security instability that has shaken the region for more than thirty (30) years. These situations of poverty, even extreme poverty, have largely contributed to deteriorating the living conditions of families and their children.
Violence against children, abuse, begging, genital mutilation, deviant behavior, the worst forms of child labor, landmine accidents, low knowledge/capacity in the field of child protection, absence of care structures for vulnerable children, civil status, the weakness of community mechanisms for the protection of children, the emergence of new themes but above all the weak involvement of children in issues of promotion and prevention of rights. In terms of protection, PARTICIPATION is the most neglected of the four fundamental principles and this may well explain the low effectiveness of child protection mechanisms and systems.


Promote the participation of children in the municipality of Ziguinchor by building their capacities and taking into account their opinions on issues relating to the management of the city through the establishment of a Municipal Children’s Council.


The success of this project is based on the empowerment of children. Indeed, organizations and adults have the role of supporting the process, which is carried out by the child leaders. Strong social cooperation will be built between the various protection actors in order to establish a unifying body. The search for funding can either be carried out by the town hall or other organisations.


Training on citizen participation and transformational leadership
Raising awareness of civil status, GBV, early pregnancy, genital mutilation, etc.
Talk on the phenomenon of school dropout
Celebrating International Day of the Girl Child
Celebration of the Day of the African Child etc…


• Have community mechanisms promoting the ACTIVE PARTICIPATION of almost all the children of the commune;
• Have bodies giving the VOICE to all categories of children living within the municipality;
• Promote the PARTICIPATION of children as a fundamental principle of child protection;
• Strengthen the confidence and capacities of children so that they can participate in the identification and resolution of problems affecting them and from there, that they are involved in the management of the affairs of the city;
• Strengthen the LEADERSHIP and ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP of children;
• Through these mechanisms, ensure that the PRIORITY PROBLEMS of CHILDREN are CONSIDERED in municipal management;
• Make Ziguinchor a “TRUE Child-Friendly City” and COMMUNE LEADER.


The presence and commitment of the Mayors of the various municipalities who are committed to continuing to support the municipal councils
The dynamism of community actors in supporting and supervising children
The involvement and participation of children throughout the process
The Emergence of Child Leadership
Financial support from partner ChildFund


Weakness of financial resources
Weak financial support for local authorities
Lack of expression framework built for children
Lack of logistical means

Difficulties or constrains for its implementation

Weakness of the financial envelope for the implementation of the action plans of the municipal councils of children.

CRITERIA actors or stakeholder are using to assess it as a “good practice”

Workshop to assess the functionality and the level of implementation of the activities of the activities.
Harmonization meeting of the task force which brings together all child protection organizations.

Year and length (duration)


Comments (additional info, remarks)

1. Seek funding, identify and integrate key organizations and stakeholders for implementation;
2. Establish a management team taking into account key stakeholders;
3. Build the capacity of key stakeholders for the effective implementation of the project;
1. Set up grassroots bodies in all districts of the municipality;
2. Help these grassroots bodies to identify and share their priority problems, in a participatory process;
3. Set up a dynamic communal body bringing together the grassroots bodies;
4. Report, document and communicate progressively throughout the process.

References (Bibliography, URLs, suggested readings)

Video report