Fundraising and digital storytelling
The training in Palermo mainly focused on:
- Getting basic information on existing fundraising methods
- Evaluating own level of fundraising readiness and main opportunities to collect funds
- Using digital storytelling as a tool for fundraising in online environments and 21st century societies
- Using digital storytelling as a tool to strike for a cause and promote a social media campaign
- Using the “Canvas Business Model” to plan and manage a fundraising campaign, both in presence and online
- Promoting community development while implementing sustainable development strategies
- Getting basic information on how to apply for the UNESCO Global Geoparks
During the training days, several workshops were organised on how to structure a successful fundraising campaign, starting from the analysis of the needs and how these can be met while getting involved with the donors and creating specific stakeholder engagement strategies. The use of digital technologies has made it possible to multiply fundraising opportunities, also through, for example, online fundraising platforms, online fundraising events, fundraising by email, etc. Important is the role of digital storytelling as a main technique used by different bodies and organisations to promote their cause and encourage donations by local, national and international donors. It is also used to promote the corporate social responsibility of a company, through generating a lot of benefits for the local communities living in a territory.
Partners also had the opportunity to work together, using the Canvas Business Model to structure and draft a fundraising campaign. In addition, during the training, several fundraising opportunities were explored, with the help of other project managers and experts in fundraising, to boost community development and address the main criteria of human and environmental sustainability. In this regard, reference was made to the community building model promoted by Rocca di Cerere, as hosting organisation of the training and because of its official membership in the UNESCO Global Geopark network. In this regard, partners explored the different eligibility criteria to apply and learnt how to submit a formal application, to be recognized as official members of the UNESCO Global Geopark worldwide.
During the training, some team building activities were also carried out, inspired by the storytelling technique and with the use of different tools and related methodologies (e.g. the storytelling “journey of life” technique and narration through symbolwork).
The partners also participated in some local study visits, exploring the naturalistic and geological sites of the Rocca di Cerere UNESCO Geopark and they had the opportunity to meet the local communities involved in the promotion of natural and cultural heritage in Sicily.