Agios Dimitrios Community Gardens


economic, environmental, social


Select most relevant to SDGs, max. 3 goals (erase the not relevant ones)

GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Summary (description and reason to be)

In critical periods for the economy and society, such as the one we are going through, when the social role of the state is shrinking, the Local Government comes with its action to dynamically cover the immediate and daily needs of the citizens but also to contribute to the maintenance of social cohesion and balance.

The Planning, Organization and Exercise of social policy in the city of Ag. Demetrios is a priority for the administration of the municipality. The actions developed in the city by the health and Social Service of the municipality, by the Organization of Education, Social Solidarity and protection, but also by the voluntary groups of citizens, are of invaluable value and have yielded significant results in the field of social solidarity.

The Municipal vegetable gardens were a bold alternative intervention in the busy urban environment of the city of Agios Dimitrios. A densely built city with a significant lack of green spaces. Initially, an unstructured and non-buildable area capable of covering this ambitious project was sought. The motivation was the ever-increasing need to enable residents to supplement the family table goods directly from their own orchard.

However, the urban or social or municipal Vegetable Garden (Community Garden) is an old story, about 150 years old, at least for Local Government in cities of Central Europe, America, Canada, Argentina, etc. This is a widespread way of production and consumption by the citizens themselves, of land products, most often organic, in order to manage to survive, especially in times when their incomes are under “pressure” and cuts as is the case today in our country.

The area of a total of 2.5 acres, on which it was decided to implement the project, belonged to the municipality, was untapped, off-plan, in a fairly degraded neighbourhood on the edge of the city. By carrying out a special study, a new opportunity was given to this part of the municipal land. It was cleaned, divided into orchards and used in the best possible way, both for the beneficiary growers and for the residents. The implementation of the project of the vegetable gardens was immediate and mainly with the resources of the municipality.

Target: Vulnerable Group (VG) and/or type of community

Beneficiaries are selected by socio-economic criteria: unemployment, marital status, etc. and with priority to socially vulnerable groups.

Application setting: context

2.5 acres area of community gardens.


It brings together citizens who are engaged, people of different ages and cultures, who socialize and work creatively for the benefit of their family. Furthermore, the Municipal vegetable gardens have already been Environmental Education Centers for the students of the city of Ag. Demetriou without discrimination and exclusions.


The cultivation in the Municipal vegetable gardens is exclusively organic and this kind of method is obliged to use all growers. In addition, organic cultivation has been defined by the operating Regulation (which was recommended since the start of the project) as the only way of cultivation.
The terms of the operating regulation have been accepted by all beneficiaries upon receipt of their enclosure and thus the quality of the crop is ensured.


Cultivation of Municipal organic vegetable gardens.
The gardens have already been Environmental Education Centers for the students of the city of Ag. Demetriou without discrimination and exclusions.


Today, through the Municipal vegetable gardens, they manage to cover their needs in fruit and vegetable products 45 families of the municipality and in addition to give 10% of their cultivation to meet the needs of the social Grocery of our municipality, which supports many other families facing difficulties.


It is important that a social structure of Local Government helps citizens to perceive themselves as part of the natural environment, to discover the value of dealing with nature, to feel respect for it and to learn to protect and highlight it.
Today, through the Municipal vegetable gardens, they manage to cover their needs in fruit and vegetable products 45 families of the municipality and in addition to give 10% of their cultivation to meet the needs of the social Grocery of our municipality, which supports many other families facing difficulties.

Year and length (duration)

The total term of the right to use the land is 2 years.