Digital for Youth Development

Type of Activity

Workshop – Ict & Impacting Digital Knowledge


  • Raise awareness on significance of ICT and Digital technology for social development.
  • Provide youth the opportunity to understand and discuss new technologies and application and its uses.
  • Discuss the career paths in ICT and Digital Technology, connecting it to innovation and business and institutional development.
  • Become aware and break stereotypes on the role women in Digital Technology.
  • Assist teachers in integrating ICT in their teaching and learning process to improve learning efficiency and positive development.


Equipping Youth in ICT and Digital Technology, particularly young girls


Introduction: 15 minutes
Welcoming remarks by the host organisation.
Ice breaking and name introductions where participants will mention their names and use the pronoun/letter to form their nicknames. Example, Jacob = Joyful

First Main Activity: 35 minutes
A presentation/mentorship session by ICT facilitator:
Ask a question to the flow of participants, for a random answer; “What is ICT?
Take a desktop mouse and randomly ask a participant to identify that device.
After a participant’s attempt, then the facilitator can start with the main theme: The significance of ICT and Digital Technology for social development.
A PowerPoint presentation on the theme with inspiring moments and new technologies, applications (software) and inventions that aid in easing our day-to-day activities, transforms human lives and promote social, health and economic development.
Questions and Answers session, with
15 minutes Snack break

Second Main Activity: 40 minutes
The next session will be a presentation on the topic “Advanced MS Word Training and Tips”.
This session is to introduce participants to the basic knowledge of Microsoft Word and applications.
Facilitator will teach basic tools in MS Word, such as;

  • How to Bold, Italic and Underline text in MS Word.
  • How to Change Text color, how to change text case, line and paragraph spacing.
  • How to Insert Cover page, Page break and Page borders.
  • How to Insert tables, Pictures, Page numbers, Headers and Footers, Inserting Symbols and Equations in MS Word.
  • How to number using Roman numerals.
  • How to Insert Shapes, Chart and Table of content and how to choose body text and headings.

20 minutes assessment trial
Participants should be put into three groups, with practical questions.

Group 1: Copy and Paste two page text in MS Word.
Giving a heading with your group name.
Bold, Underline and Italise your group name.
Break your pages, add page borders, page numbering

Group 2: Use a giving data to prepare a Bar chart and Pie chart,
Also insert a 4 × 8 table using a giving data

Group 3: Copy and Paste two page document,
Use paragraph spacing of 2.0
Insert a cover page and page break.
Then insert headings and Table of content using the text pasted.
Watermark your document with your group name.


3 hours


Flyer, Link for registration of interest, ICT facilitator, ICT laboratory, with computers/laptops, Projector, Snacks,

Tips and Tricks

Ice breaking, Presentations, Q & A, Snack Break, Groupings, Discussions and Trainees assessment.

Debriefing Reflection

Debriefing: 25 min
At this point, each and every participant will tell host how they feel about the workshop. Facilitate a discussion with the following leading questions:

  • What new thing do you learn in the programme/workshop?
  • What did you feel about the workshop?
  • What extra knowledge were you expecting to learn, apart from this?
  • Where you satisfied with the programme outline and organization?
  • How will you use knowledge gain?

Conclusion: 15minutes
Group pictures taking session.
Thank your participants for the participation and leave them with a short reflection on how important it is to gaining ICT and Digital skills.