

Summary (description and reason to be)

GARANZIA GIOVANI (Youth Guarantee) is the European Plan tackling youth unemployment. The plan gives priority to the enhancement of young people’s skills, both technical and professional skills and soft skills, including relational and transversal skills. To this end, it promotes collaboration between public and private institutions, aimed at providing new opportunities and job careers to young people.

Target: Vulnerable Group (VG) and/or type of community

In Italy, it addresses young people aged 15-29, including migrants living in the Italian territory, mainly NEETs and unemployed youngsters.

Application setting: context

GARANZIA GIOVANI aims to promote both education and job integration of young people in different EU countries having unemployment rates above 25%, including Italy. For this reason, a series of initiatives are launched to allow young people to join school, VET trainings, or other educational and professional pathways in order to counteract the phenomenon of young NEETs. GARANZIA GIOVANI is financially supported by the European Social Fund.


• Equal access to training and the labour market for all young people;
• Labour inclusion of all categories, including vulnerable young people and young migrants;
• Quality education for all, focusing on increasing both individual and collective skills;
• Upskilling and reskilling of the workforce, especially young people looking for a job career.


In Sicily, specifically, from 2019 GARANZIA GIOVANI includes young people aged 16-29 (NEETs) but also young people aged 16-35 (Non-NEETs), in order to encourage them to get engaged in quality education and new high-skilled job opportunities.

Performance procedures

Young people are contacted for an individual interview in order to identify their needs, their socio-economic conditions and their preliminary knowledge, to seeking for a training opportunity or job one.


In GARANZIA GIOVANI, there are some key measures (or main activities) such as:
Mentoring and tutoring activities aimed at exploring previous experiences and encouraging an efficient and active search for new professional experiences by the youngsters;
Training courses that contribute to filling the training gaps of young workers according to their relocation in the new labor market;
Strategic outplacement support services to promote individual skills of each youngster;
Internships for qualification and diploma;
Internships aimed at empowering or acquiring new professional skills and thus facilitating career choices and employability of the youngsters;
Targeted training courses and personalised tutoring and mentoring services, to be provided to any youngster at any stages of development of a business project or idea


Main results:
– Between 2015 and 2019, around 220,000 employed people among the young people previously enrolled in GARANZIA GIOVANI;
– 31 July 2022: more than 1 million and half of young NEETs in Italy still being registered in GARANZIA GIOVANI and they are actively engaged in the programme;
– Over 115,000 companies used GARANZIA GIOVANI incentives and benefits to employ young people;
– Young people who previously joined GARANZIA GIOVANI had the chance to get a long-term job.


In GARANZIA GIOVANI, each young person is helped individually. For each youngster, educational needs, family background, individual needs etc. are considered, so as to provide very personalised measures and targeted to the individual.


The chance to get a job, a long-term one, is mainly proportionate and due to the amount of funds (incentives and benefits) that GARANZIA GIOVANI allocates to private companies or institutions who are recruiting new workers. The greater the funding is, the more long-term job opportunities will be offered.

CRITERIA actors or stakeholder are using to assess it as a “good practice”

GARANZIA GIOVANI supports 3 main categories of stakeholders: not only young people actively looking for a job or a high-quality professional pathway, but also any companies that are recruiting new staff working in adult education and vocational training, or that generally provide services for young people. For each of the 3 categories of stakeholders, it is possible to register on the GARANZIA GIOVANI online platform: and access specific services.
For young people: possibility to register in GARANZIA GIOVANI and explore projects, job opportunities, training and much more or join the program.
For companies: possibility to register in GARANZIA GIOVANI and take advantage of several economic and fiscal incentives to employ young people.
For operators working in the social and educational sector, or VET trainers: possibility to register in GARANZIA GIOVANI and receive useful materials to be delivered to the public.

Year and length (duration)

From April 2013.

References (Bibliography, URLs, suggested readings)