

Summary (description and reason to be)

GIOVANI 2030 is an initiative of the Department for Youth Policies and Universal Civil Service, of the Italian government, which deals with the creation of a digital platform for access to information for all young people, both boys and girls.

The aim is to guide young people, providing them with a series of information, services and tools that allow them to be active and informed citizens as well as future high skilled workers. GIOVANI 2030 is a way to inform young people, connect them online and let them discover a series of both educational and job opportunities, as well as training courses or public events to participate in, in order to increase their skills and look for a professional career.

In general, Giovani 2030 is inspired by the sustainable development program signed by the governments of the 193 UN member countries, to draw up a general community development plan for the next 10 years by 2030.

Target: Vulnerable Group (VG) and/or type of community

It addressed to young people aged 14-35, both boys and girls, especially NEETs.

Application setting: context

The recent COVID19 pandemic has limited the possibilities for young people to access an educational or professional career, where many young people have had neither the skills nor the economic opportunities to adapt to a changing economy and society. Many young people have remained isolated and not employed in any training or work, NEETs, losing interest and motivation for their future as well as increasing their distrust and distrust of public institutions.


GIOVANI 2030 is an interactive online space where youngsters can exchange contents and share ideas (it works as an online community too), as well as actively being informed.
In the platform, young people will find useful information on:
• Volunteer opportunities;
• Training opportunities;
• Opportunities to participate in cultural sector;
• Financial aid and how to support a cause/a project National, European, and international initiatives, including mobilities and job opportunities abroad.


GIOVANI 2030 e-platform is open to every youngster, and all the contents are exposed in a simple and clear way, using a language suitable for all young people, while ensuring consistency and trustfulness of the information shared. It’s very simple to use and navigate in it, so to overcome the distances between institutions and young people and make the youngsters being the ambassadors and promoters of their own projects.
Being part of the GIOVANI 2030 community is very simple: by registering a profile or logging in with the ID credentials, young people are constantly updated thanks to some newsletter that will monthly refer to all the new initiatives, stories and testimonies shared by other users or private/public institutions.


In the platform, young people can:
• Browse and search for useful information on educational, work or volunteer initiatives and opportunities;
• Promote an idea, a project and find all useful contacts and possible stakeholders;
• Networking and connecting with other key actors or young people with the same ambitions and ideas;
• Read other young people’s stories and get inspired to develop new projects;
• Access services through the “National Youth Card”, including cultural and recreational services;
• Create a CV and look for a job;
• Connecting both public and private institutions with young people, facilitating access to training opportunities and the job market.


Information are safe and no fake information is shared in it. Moreover, it allows young people to have a direct channel of communication with public institutions, as well as to be informed in real time about new training or job opportunities.


It is an online tool, so a minimum of digital competence and web browsing is required.

CRITERIA actors or stakeholder are using to assess it as a “good practice”

GIOVANI 2030 is widely used by private institutions, including companies, which can register in and communicate any job offers to young people. Before the creation of the GIOVANI 2030 e-platform, a public and online consultation with young people (the so-called “Next Generation You”) was launched and it emerged that 90% of youngsters asked for the creation of a direct access point to information.

Year and length (duration)

From May 2021 until 2030 (10 years).

References (Bibliography, URLs, suggested readings)

Official website: