Intergenerational laboratory


The goal is to create an opportunity for the exchange and transmission of knowledge from one generation to another. While the elderly will pass on traditions and practices now disused by the young, with manufacturing techniques or even just stories that represent their cultural identity – the young will in turn be able to teach the elderly to use the internet, not only for the use of social networks but also for access to services.


Dialogue, exchange and transmission of intergenerational knowledge.


Use a space that has an internal and an external area, to start laboratories of different activities, according to the personal preparations of young and old, with a view to exchanging knowledge.
ACTIVITIES FROM SENIORS TO YOUNG PEOPLE=Rental of premises for workshops in internal environments such as embroidery, manufacturing of objects, etc. (the activity to be carried out will depend on the skills held by the group of elderly people); external, open-air laboratories (again, the external endowment will depend on the skills held by the elderly).
ACTIVITIES FROM YOUNG TO THE ELDERLY = Rent a computer room equipped with a PC and Smatphone, where young people will teach the elderly to use the internet not only for access to social media, but also to services, with a view to improving well-being and life quality.


One year


  • Internal rooms/Garden;
  • embroidery materials/crafting materials such as clay, string, etc. (it all depends on the skills and competences of the elderly);
  • computer room / pc / spartphone

Debriefing Reflection

The intergenerational exchange of skills and traditions not only strengthens the identity bond of the young with that practice or with that territory, but improves the quality of life of the elderly with facilitated access to services and with the use of social media will feel less isolated and alone.

Suggested reading / Resources