Learn for Life School

Type of Activity



  • Provide quality basic literacy education (English speaking and Writing skills) to all children and youth in literal skills, especially, in deprived rural communities.
  • Empower developing communities to become sustainable through quality education and community activities.
  • To develop children become joyful and confident learners who are engaged and have vigour to pursue education.
  • To provide an educational programme that develops children/students curiosity and creativity to understand and be a better managers for community development.


Access to Quality and Equitable Education for all Children/Youngsters in deprived rural areas.


Learn for Life School is a lead CSO offering relevant quality basic education to out-of-school children in deprived and hard-to-reach communities, particularly in Northern Ghana. School for Life work to influence national level policies and programmes by engaging with strategic states and non-states actors through advocacy. Aimed at improving access to relevant quality basic education for all by delivering, demonstrating and advocating for equitable quality basic education in underserved areas of Ghana.

This project is a non-formal practical education activity that is establish to create comprehensive learning platform where rural children and youngsters will be impacted with a free three (3) month learning of English reading/speaking and writing skills to improve their literacy level in basic English speaking and writing.

There shall be a three month remedial classes for some selected rural communities in the Northern Ghana which records a higher educational gap in Ghana.

This project shall target Children and youngsters, including young girls to impact them in basic English knowledge, both reading/speaking and writing skills.

To start with this project, a link and flyer for application/registration form shall be realise for an open call for changemakers; volunteer community teachers, to voluntarily apply and offer a voluntarily community services to rural communities.

The three month Learn for Life School Project shall be in a period of three month with intensive and flexible practical educational knowledge and entertaining activities in order to make learning joyful and fun for all.

The project shall start with a community sensitisation on the importance of acquiring knowledge and advancing education for an individual and collective social development.

The community sensitisation programme shall comprise all stakeholders, community leaders, children, youth and women in the community, including host organisation and Ghana Education Service.

During the community sensitisation session, the rule and regulations of the LLS project shall be make clear to community members, including the accompanying activities to make learn fun and lovely.

Classes hours shall be 3:30PM to 5:30PM every four days in a week.

After community sensitisation, there shall be a registration session for community members interested to participate and take advantage of the opportunity.


3 Months


Flyer, Teachers, Class rooms, Teaching and Learning Materials to enhance quality education

Tips and Tricks

Afternoon-Evening classes, Inspiring and encouragement, Reading and Writings, Sports and Recreational activities.

Debriefing Reflection

At this point every participant will have to describe their experiences to the host, organizers, and project managers.

How do participants feel about the project?
What situations were more difficult for them in the learning process?

Facilitate a discussion with the following leading questions:

  • How the knowledge did acquired impact your life?
  • What is your perception about education?
  • What will you want to be in future?
  • Did you think education is a right or obligation?

Conclusion: 15 min
Thank your participants for the participation and leave them with a short reflection on how important and privileges of education.

Suggested reading / Resources