Pocket Parks


Environmental, social


Select most relevant to SDGs, max. 3 goals (erase the not relevant ones)

GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
GOAL 13: Climate Action
GOAL 15: Life on Land

Summary (description and reason to be)

Through donation and communication partnership with companies of Greece and through strategic alliances with Municipalities, Organization Earth constructs public green spaces and delivers educational workshops and citizen engagement activities in the surrounding neighbourhoods in the framework of the European Climate Pact. These parks are open spaces, accessible to the public, with contribute to climate resilience and enhance the social fabric at the neighbourhood level.

Target: Vulnerable Group (VG) and/or type of community

Citizens of the neighbourhood next to the pocket park

Application setting: context

In the framework of the European Climate Pact Organization Earth has already developed 15 new green spaces in densely populated areas, in order to become a benchmark for the neighborhood as “alive” spaces for environmental awareness.
For the design and construction of the pocket parks, eco-friendly materials and solutions based on the principles of sustainable development and the circular economy are used.


Creation of open spaces, accessible to the public, with contribute to climate resilience and enhance the social fabric at the neighbourhood level.
Raise awareness and inform children and adults about environmental and sustainability issues.


  • Agricultural activities
  • Environmental awareness programs
  • Non typical experiential workshops


Since now, we have created 15 pocket parks in 8 municipalities, 7,226cm2


  • Communication with neighbourhood
  • Create environmental awareness
  • Contribution to climate resilience
  • Innovation
  • Converting unused spaces into green areas


Sometimes the citizens don’t participate in the activities