
economic, environmental, social


Select most relevant to SDGs, max. 3 goals (erase the not relevant ones)

GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 13: Climate Action

Summary (description and reason to be)

The high rate of youth unemployment, in particular NEETs and women, in the Mediterranean basin has economic and social consequences that are not specific to one country, but rather impact all Mediterranean countries. These groups share common challenges like lack of education, unequal access to education and employment, mismatch of their skills with the needs of the labour market, and they suffer a difficult transition from school to work.  SIRCLES partners want to explore new employment opportunities by applying the circular economy model applied to the biowaste sector. The project will mainly focus on developing new capacities oriented to business development and separation, collection, composting and agriculture processes. The training will be tested through 7 pilot projects that address the hotel, food retail and household sectors, adjusted to the diverse local contexts of each territory involved in the project. Consequently, SIRCLES will contribute to the creation of green jobs by involving the most vulnerable sectors of the population and supporting environmental sustainability.

Target: Vulnerable Group (VG) and/or type of community

  • Unemployed women of all ages and NEETs of 18–24 years at risk of exclusion
  • Municipalities and employment services
  • Technical and vocational education and training (TVET) institutions

Accommodation, farming, tourism, food retail sectors and waste management companies

Application setting: context

Pilot projects, training of vulnerable populations, NEETs & women


  • Education
  • Circular Economy
  • Food waste reduction


Applicants need to be trained prior to their hiring. Need a space to build / construct the pilot.

Performance procedures

  • Local Strategic Alliance for circular economy and social inclusion set up and involving 21 organizations.
  • 5 curricula focused on skills development and training
  • 7 pilots based on composting plants and organic farming sites
  • 200 contracts for logistic operators and composting managers, technical promoters, and socio-labor insertion of technicians in the circular biowaste management loop
  • 7 policy toolkits employment and training for in the circular economy sector


Composting, Sustainable Farming, Entrepreneurial training


In each of the pilot countries, the project created a pilot composting plant and educated a few NEETS & women to operate it.


Training of vulnerable populations, waste management, food waste reduction & reuse


The construction of the pilot composting facility can take time, hiring of NEETs & women can pose problems

Difficulties or constrains for its implementation

The construction of the pilot composting facility can take time, hiring of NEETs & women can pose problems

CRITERIA actors or stakeholder are using to assess it as a “good practice”

A boost on the waste management of the local area, education & training of NEETs & women

Year and length (duration)

3 years

References (Bibliography, URLs, suggested readings)