Type of Activity
Culture Awareness and Environment Education
On Sundays, the Center of the Earth is open to the public, offering free experiential workshops for all ages. There are activities for both children and adult. For instance, food preparation, eating all together, cultivate, agricultural activities and environmental awareness activities.
- Exchange experiences between participants based on the culture heritage.
- To promote sustainable nutritional model.
- To learn traditional healthy and sustainable recipes with local and seasonally available products.
- Nobody alone on Sunday
- Educational activities and being close to the nature
- Environmental workshops for adults and children
- Planting seeds
- Learn the parts of the plants
- Learn the importance of the plants
- Experiential games and activities in nature
- Arts and crafts from upcycling materials, creation of insect hotel
- Yoga and gym in the nature
- Learn about aromatic plants
- Cooking together – collective cuisine.
4 hours
- Agriculture cultivation tools
- Soil and Water
- Seeds
- Materials for art and crafts
- Cooking material
- Tables and chairs
- Fully functional kitchen equipment.
- Access to water.
- Cooking books
Debriefing Reflection
The involvement and engagement of participants can be verified from the following aspects:
- He/she actively participated in the activities;
- He/she intervenes and share his/her memories
The successful of the activity can be verified by the time spent in making the activities (more people intervening and longer it will take to finish).