Sustainable entrepreneurship and local action program


Economic, Social

Summary (description and reason to be)

The issue of employability and youth employment is a major concern in developing countries, Senegal in particular. It should be noted that in Senegal more than 60% of the population is made up of young people according to the report of the National Agency for Statistics and Development (ANSD) of 2019. A mismatch still remains between training and employment. The education system is more focused on general education than on vocational education, thus causing a real problem of recruitment of young people who are suddenly immersed in idleness and without any alternative.
Thus, this program aims to train young people by strengthening their skills in several areas of competence so that they are equipped and able to carry out their own activity and be autonomous.

Target: Vulnerable Group (VG) and/or type of community

Mixed groups (students, professionals, unemployed graduates)

Application setting: context

Idle, because the system offers fewer opportunities for self-employment, if they want it they also do not have the necessary skills to enable them to carry out their activities well and increase yields, youth policies introduced by the State seem ineffective and/or inadequate. Education and health remain the only areas that offer mass employment opportunities for young graduates. The system therefore remains to be inclusive and seems rather exclusive.


The program aims to train young people in the following areas:
• Financial education
• Personal development
• Communication and presentation of star up ideas
• The creation of a business plan
• Business management methods
• Marketing strategies
• Sustainability in entrepreneurship


Open to any young person who is or would like to create his own business


• Training
• Coaching


Training and certification of 30 young people


• Expertise of trainers
• Sharing experiences of successful cases in entrepreneurship


Strong demand but few resources to reach more young people

Difficulties or constrains for its implementation

• Unavailability of resources to fund initiatives and/or projects
• Unavailability of means to facilitate the movement of participants and the follow-up of personal initiatives initiated after the training

CRITERIA actors or stakeholder are using to assess it as a “good practice”

Creation and installation of a fruit juice processing unit

Year and length (duration)

2020 (11 days)

References (Bibliography, URLs, suggested readings)