Training of young people on the recycling of plastic waste


Environmental, Social

Summary (description and reason to be)

The activity consisted of training 30 young people on the transformation, recycling of plastic bags, plastic materials into objects and products to be used for individual use (making flower pots, micro gardening and producing materials for common use (plastic pavers, public benches).

Target: Vulnerable Group (VG) and/or type of community

Young boys and girls aged between 16 and 25

Application setting: context

This project was initiated in a context where more and more is seen in large cities in Africa, in Senegal more particularly, the proliferation of plastic waste with the proliferation of plastic bags. This plastic waste thrown everywhere in nature constitutes a real public health problem and the effects on the environment are not negligible. At the country level, policies practically do not exist for better management of this plastic waste which, as in other countries, could be transformed and for the common interest.


Fight against environmental pollution by plastic waste through training and citizenship education.


Contribute to the considerable reduction of the proliferation of plastic bags in nature.

Performance procedures

• Pickup
• Processing
• Recycling
• Training


• Trainings
• Raising awareness through theater and flash mobs on the impact of plastic waste in the degradation of nature
• Communication for behavior change


• Manufacture of furniture from tires which pollutes the environment
• Less and less plastic waste lying around in the streets
• Reinforcement of skills and know-how of young people


• Experience and expertise in the field of theater
• Youth engagement
• The expertise of the trainers


• Equipment needed for business continuity after training
• Limited and weak resources for the sustainability of the activity
• Lack of necessary support in terms of financial and material resources to finance their micro project

Difficulties or constrains for its implementation

• Insufficient work materials to involve more young people
• The budget did not make it possible to reach young people in other municipalities or departments

CRITERIA actors or stakeholder are using to assess it as a “good practice”

• Product samples
• The decoration of classes and schools and certain public spaces
• The considerable reduction of plastic bags and materials in the public space of the municipality of Ziguinchor

Year and length (duration)


References (Bibliography, URLs, suggested readings)

• Pictures
• Videos