Un Passo Oltre



Summary (description and reason to be)

The project is inspired by the principles that underpin the cooperative movement worldwide: mutuality, solidarity, associationism between cooperatives, respect for the individual, the priority of man over money, democratic both internally and externally. It aims to pursue the general interest of the community in the human promotion and social integration of citizens through the support and coordination of member cooperatives and their integration with other public and private entities.

Target: Vulnerable Group (VG) and/or type of community

Unaccompanied foreign minors who are close to leaving the reception systems on reaching the age of majority (from age 17) and young people up to age 21 who have arrived in Italy as MSNA and have not yet managed to find social, economic, work, cultural and housing stability.

Application setting: context

The MSNA present on the territory are therefore characterised by having an increasingly higher age and consequently have a shorter time to to acquire a life autonomy that allows them to continue the path of social inclusion started as minors. This problem is aggravated by the health emergency SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has had a very strong impact on the system of protection and reception system for MSNAs, leading to an aggravation of the psychological condition to the detriment of minors already heavily exposed to traumatic events, due to the closure of important services. The closure of schools has led to a suspension of integration paths for MSM and if in some territories the distance learning service has distance learning service has managed to fill the gap on the educational aspect, for traineeships training and those preparatory to the start of work paths, there was no possibility of recovery, especially for those young people close to the age of majority. The suspension of the activities of the Immigration Offices and Territorial Commissions caused the impossibility of guaranteeing priority listening to minors, some of whom have come of age. Leaving the welfare circuit without having achieved autonomy exposes such young people to the risk of social exclusion, poverty, deviance.


The project aimed to nationally test an educational alliance for personalized planning for adolescents 14-18 years old with the application of educational budgets for personalized training programs. For each personalized pathway the young person decided to join corresponds an “educational budget” to support expenses related to Sociality/Sport/Culture/Work Training.
The project aims to counter educational poverty as an accentuation of widespread existential and territorial fragility. Adolescents look to the future with fear, 64 % of minors do not access recreational, sports and cultural activities. The method of PFPs with Educational Budgets aims to intervene to enable schools to exercise real governance starting with the direct involvement of schools/families/territories, creating a social and educational design.


Age between 14-18 years old.


Pre-matching activities between the world of work and the business world were carried out through basic skills training courses, so as to be able to better direct the meeting between labour supply and demand. The socio-cultural insertion pathway was supported by the presence of the community tutor, i.e. a person already belonging to the welcoming community with the role of builder and facilitator of significant social networks, functional to orientation in the area and to territorial services, or accompanist for the minors in activities that allow them to appropriate tools and knowledge to interact with the territory, find answers to personal needs and requirements, through the use of the services offered and the activation of social networks.


-Fostering the stable and sustainable labour integration of migrants throughout the territory.
-Sensitise and involve the territorial productive community in socio-work integration paths.
-Adapt and consolidate migrants’ previous skills by making the profiles adherent to the territory’s labour demand.
-Integrate processes of labour autonomy with those of housing autonomy and social integration.


Improve life projects in small municipalities, with the stimulation of social entrepreneurship practices and proximity, local development, improving the quality of life of immigrants and natives.

CRITERIA actors or stakeholder are using to assess it as a “good practice”

The opportunities for meeting and exchange between the beneficiaries involved and the host community will be realised through sports, cultural, recreational and social activities, social activities, and the activation of workshops aimed at the acquisition of expressive techniques, the facilitation of group dynamics, the promotion of confrontation and respect for differences differences (art, theatre, photography, music workshops); sports events musical, cultural and gastronomic events with typical dishes from the beneficiary countries. A constant of intervention regarding these paths will be the involvement of the local community, and the direct stimulation of the talents, socio-cultural resources present in a given territory.

Year and length (duration)

The project started in August 2018 and ended in August 2022.

References (Bibliography, URLs, suggested readings)